Remembering those magical lines..

Woke up unusually early today and spent my time in my balcony, and a small primary school near the building reminded me those magical lines which made us feel proud about the land we live in and the language we speak..

நீராரும் கடல் உடுத்த நில மடந்தைக் கெழிலொழுகும்
சீராரும் வதனமெனத் திகழ்பரதக் கண்டமிதில்
தெக்கணமும் அதிற்சிறந்த திராவிட நல் திருநாடும்
தக்கசிறு பிறைநுதலும் தரித்தநறும் திலகமுமே!
அத்திலக வாசனைபோல் அனைத்துலகும் இன்பமுற,
எத்திசையும் புகழ்மணக்க இருந்த பெரும் தமிழணங்கே!
நின் சீரிளமைத் திறம்வியந்து
செயல் மறந்து வாழ்த்துதுமே!

Ideating – as seen in IBM Ads

Put eight monkeys in a room. In the middle of the room is a ladder, leading to a bunch of bananas hanging from a hook on the ceiling.
Each time a monkey tries to climb the ladder, all the monkeys are sprayed with ice water, which makes them miserable. Soon enough, whenever a monkey attempts to climb the ladder, all of the other monkeys, not wanting to be sprayed, set upon him and beat him up. Soon, none of the eight monkeys ever attempts to climb the ladder.
One of the original monkeys is then removed, and a new monkey is put in the room. Seeing the bananas and the ladder, he wonders why none of the other monkeys are doing the obvious. But undaunted, he immediately begins to climb the ladder.
All the other monkeys fall upon him and beat him silly. He has no idea why.
However, he no longer attempts to climb the ladder.
A second original monkey is removed and replaced. The newcomer again attempts to climb the ladder, but all the other monkeys hammer the crap out of him.
This includes the previous new monkey, who, grateful that he’s not on the receiving end this time, participates in the beating because all the other monkeys are doing it. However, he has no idea why he’s attacking the new monkey.
One by one, all the original monkeys are replaced. Eight new monkeys are now in the room. None of them have ever been sprayed by ice water. None of them attempt to climb the ladder. All of them will enthusiastically beat up any new monkey who tries, without having any idea why.
And that is how most companies’ corporate policies get established.
Source: – on basis of experiments conducted in the UK

The White Tiger

Every once in a while a writer appears who would prefer to write about reality as it is instead of writing about illusion we created for ourselves. Being blinded by our own success and opportunities we miss to see real life around us with all its drawback and negative issues.
Arvind Adiga falls under the aforementioned category and his Man Booker Prize winning Debut work "The White Tiger" exposes the problems of a common man from the villages trapped in a societal bondage which he terms as the "Rooster Coop".

The White Tiger is a powerful social commentary on injustice and power in the form of a class struggle in India. It portrays the anti-hero Balram, who represents the downtrodden sections of society, juxtaposed against the rich.
Balram Halwai, the protagonist of The White Tiger, having no identity of his own, like any other protagonist dreams of going from rags to riches. Eventually, he becomes a maniac who slits his boss' throat and confesses the mystery surrounding his rise to entrepreneurship. It makes one think this might be the only way to be an entrepreneur in India as the successful ones seem to have some dark side to them almost always. He labels his life’s story, ‘The Autobiography of a Half-Baked Indian’. He coins the idea of the Rooster Coop, Adiga examines how Balram is trapped in it and subsequently breaks out to freedom. He is a rare and eccentric like a “White Tiger” which is a very uncommon rare occurrence.
the following are some intriguing topics and snippets from the book during the course of his narration
“Go to Old Delhi ...and look at the way they keep chickens there in the market. Hundreds of pale hens and brightly colored roosters, stuffed tightly into wire-mesh cages...They see the organs of their brothers lying around them. They know they're next. Yet they do not rebel. They do not try to get out of the coop. The very same thing is done with human beings in this country.”
the analogy made above might seemed too poetic or even clichéd to some.. but the essence he is trying to bring out from a perspective of a servant is an interesting thing to sit back and take a note.
"Indians are the world's most honest people, like the prime minister's booklet will inform you?
No. It's because 99.9% of us are caught in the Rooster Coop just like those guys in the poultry market.

The Rooster Coop doesn't always work with minuscule sums of money. Don't test your chauffeur with a rupee coin or two - he may well steal that much. But leave a million dollars in front of a servant and he won't touch a penny of it... He's no Gandhi, he's human, he's you and me. But he's in the Rooster Coop."
kinda true right... i felt that every person who works 'FOR' someone as a servant of any order will feel that he is tied to some unknown rules.. some mysterious laws of social slavery. Like Adiga quotes from a famous poet "You were in search of the key all these time, But the door was open all along"
Never before in human history have so few owed so much to so many. A handful of men in this country have trained the remaining 99.9 per cent - as strong, as talented, as intelligent in every way - to exist in perpetual servitude; a servitude so strong that you can put the key of his emancipation in a man's hands and he will throw it back at you with a curse."
He also draws attention to the way a master-servant relationship is established, based on a philosophy of trust, by which servants are caught in the Rooster Coop. It maintains the perpetual servitude of the poor, letting a minority possess all the wealth of the nation. As the protagonist says, “The Indian family, is the reason we are trapped and tied to the coop….only a man who is prepared to see his family destroyed – hunted, beaten, and burned alive by masters – can break out of the coop. That would take no normal human being, but a freak, a pervert of nature.”
It was a gripping tale which made me go wild with thoughts after reading this. I was trying to relate myself to the Rooster Coop and what would be the consequences if I even tried something in the minimal as an effort to come out of it. Even though there seemed to be possibilities it was also evident that there are imminent side-effects of it which will come back to haunt me and the very reason of my being. I do agree that in a country like India it takes balls of steel, cold blood and a heart made of stone to be a White Tiger.
For Indian Buyers:

A wish.. for a better tomorrow

These are some topics which has invited a lot of debate whenever I have taken it up among friends, relatives.. even parents.. The views expressed here are just my POV.. not to justify anything or prove the other POV wrong..

When a person is born as a citizen of India, the government takes the responsibility of providing the basic needs for him at no cost at all. The hassle of availing them might be a pinch but sure it does provide you a state owned, school, hospital, transportation etc.. It's up to you to make us of them, but do we really know how much is the cost incurred on the government to provide these..

I did my graduation in a government institution, the fees i paid to get that kind of quality education was really paltry. How does the government manage to do this.. its a perfect balance you know... Its just a way of giving back to the system from which you gained from.. I agree there are flaws in the system, but the reality is It does work despite the sheer magnanimity of the population it handles. I have no reluctance in paying my taxes as I feel that its the way I am giving back, Its a way I can help another middle class student get a top tier education, another ailing person get treated for free in the state of the art general hospitals... This is a kind of responsibility similar to what you have for your own family.

There are lot of persons who think 20hrs in a day about the taxation policies, ways to evade tax, ways and loopholes to save maximum and give minimum to the govt.. its your hard earned money I agree, and I am not holding anything against the personal will to save some money for yourself..(theres always the 1lack slab which you can make use of.. and also the housing loan schemes) All that I can't stand is the attitude of "What has the country done to me.. why do i need to pay free bucks to the country in the name of taxes"..I have even seen persons buying 2-3 houses just for saving taxes.. Damn! a house is something you buy to live on..there is a purpose to it.. If a person thinks this way, please dont use the MRTS which will save you 200 rupees of auto charges from central to adayar, don't use the general hospotal which can take ur MRI scan for absolute nothing, boycott the government institutions which is running from the money 'looted from you'.. Please stop using these..

People crib about corruption, lousy politics and mock at the way this country runs.. I would still like to quote those golden verses from RDB - "No country is perfect,..The onus is on its citizens to make it perfect.". Talk about any government office there will be a gentleman in the group giving a mockery tale.. "these guys are fit for nothing.. don't know if he has passed 10th.. etc.. etc.."
Don't blame the system !... I personally hold no grudge against these inabilities of the government employees... In a sample set of a class of 100 ppl 50 are really good enough to get through into some professional courses.. out of the rest 50 30 have the financial powress to sit in the same classroom of the topper.. 10 will flex their muscles, even sell an asset or two to get into a middle tier professional course institution.. rest 10 who really have no choice will try to see what shortcut they have to get to the level of the other professions by going into niche fields. like say catering, maritime studies etc...So now you know who are the remaining and what they are capable of doing.. This is fact and this is how we are brought up.. and thats the very reason for the decline of the state owned organizations.. Its true that the country doesnt have a flat earning model for all professions but the citizens have not taken a genuine attempt to pursue what they are really made of.. "You can have complete satisfaction and sustainability only when you do what you are destined to do".. There are persons who would be willing to work for free if they get a position of a naturalist or an archeologist.. its the just the fate and direction which puts the wrong ppl in those jobs.. We need to understand, Education itself is a wealth and is not just a means of attaining wealth.. sadly the latter is the scenario now.. On this day, I make a sincere wish that the midset of the coming generations change and the younger generations are given the freedom to think beyond the idea of "studying for earning"..and move towards a direction where everyone does a soul searching of what he really wants to do.. I wish people come to terms with the fact that the country has done more than enough for them to crib..and they realize that its more of a collective responsibility..

Independence day wishes to everyone !

दिल से निकलेगी ना मर कर भी वतन की उल्फ़त

मेरी मिट्टी से भी ख़ुश्बू-ए-वतन आयेगी

देस मेरे देस मेरे मेरी जान है तू

देस मेरे देस मेरे मेरी शान है तू

The Male J-factor

For ages going back to the Greek gods and the Egyptian queens the J-factor has always been attributed or linked to women. Most people would agree and lean towards the idea that women are the jealous type.  That may be true, However, men also have the ability to fall under the trap of jealousy.  It is not something men will admit, lets look at a few things that guys might get a bit jealous about.
The born wealthy.. Yeah! there are people in this world who are blessed enough to be born into wealth.  We hate these people.  These people have no idea what the real world is like.  something similar to Buddha before he left his kingdom.  Most of these people end up getting whatever they want, and don't have to work for it.  This is something most of us would love, but don't have and as a result we do feel the rage of jealousy. 
Most guys understand that people like Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise are blessed enough to be good-lookin dudes, and can actually act.  As a result, they are rewarded handsomely with Angelina Jolie, a ton of money :).  That is something most guys can digest a bit.  The fact that some guys just seem to be born with it.  What we cannot stand are the jokers like Shilpa and Rakhee Sawant who make loads of money for talking rubbish in a useless TV show and buying and running cricket clubs.  This is something most guys are jealous of, however we'd be willing to switch spots with them in a heart beat! :)
Oh how can I forget to mention the kind of guys whom i am most jealous of.. "The slim gluttons". I'm NOT jealous of a guy that eats healthy, works out six hours a day and is in the best shape of his life.  I AM jealous of the jerk that brushes his teeth with french fries, and eats 15 zinger burgers a day and washes all that down with a gallon of choco milkshake, and still is in the best shape of his life.  This jerk, I just cannot stand :( .  We hate this jerk so much. While we suffer from heart attacks, he picks up another newly single women, and he's always full and burps heartily.  What a jerk!.
Hmm, I hate to say this but Guys at times, can be jealous of women. Every time a woman bats her eyes and gets out of a traffic police man, or the when she gets a separate counter to book tickets whereas it's already waiting list -2 when my turn arrives, or has someone at a retail store show her "extra" customer service....grrr it freakin drives me nuts.  The reason it drives me nuts, is because no matter how politely I talk and how much ever I be nice to them, I know I will never get the same type of treatment.  Its a shame, and it doesn't have to be that way.  Unfortunately, I just have to know that if I'm lost in a park and need to find a way out, I'm gonna have to do it my damn self.
u see.. guys can be jealous too !!! But, the difference lies in how guys deal with these things differently from the way women do.

What the duck

This is some joke I read somewhere on a random blog..Hilarious.. Two men, one Indian and an Foreigner were sitting in a Bar drinking shot after shot. The Indian Said to Foreigner , you know, my parents are forcing me to get married to this girl from a my town whom I haven't met even once. We call this as arranged marriage. I don't want to marry a woman I don't know. I told them that openly and now have a hell lot of family problems.
After listening to Indian, Foreigner Started: "Talking about love marriages-I will tell you my story. I married a widow whom I deeply loved and dated for three years. After a couple of years my father fell in love with my stepdaughter and finally married her. Now my father became my son-in-law and I became my father’s father-in-law. My daughter is my mom and my wife is my granny!
More problems occurred when I had a son. Now my son is my father's brother and so he is my uncle. Situation turned even ticklish when father had a Son. Now my father's son i.e., my brother is my grandson. Ultimately, I have become my own grand father I am my own grandson. And you say you have family problems!!
Duh!! what the duck.. seriously. Reminds me of a hilarious movie I saw on a similar topic: